Ok, so I know it’s been way too long since my last post, but this Cincinnista has been grappling with the big 5-0, swamped with work, and just frankly a bit distracted. I know a lot of friends that have struggled with this big birthday for obvious reasons, but my first and foremost issue was that my father died suddenly from a heart attack in his 50’s, hence my paranoia started months ago. Like why can’t that happen to me, right?
However, the reality is that unlike my father, my blood pressure is great, my cholesterol is good and frankly I’m tired of worrying about it. While I’m working harder than ever to keep the pounds off, and yes, I’ll confess I use botox and other tools of the trade to look good (no plastic surgery though to fend off the post baby flab…yes, they were worth it:), but I think I naturally look and feel pretty damn good. Now, please note that, this is is in no way narcissistic. I guess I’m just basing this upon comments I’ve received from others and my highly complimentary husband. (Yes, he’s 53 and tells me not to complain!) The best was last week while walking in to a bar I got carded by a bouncer and I said “really?!” He replied “I’ll bet I can beat you,” took one look at my idea and said “Ok, you win!”. Too funny.
Now, don’t think I have the stamina of a 30 year old, which sometimes I feel like I’m supposed to have being a busy mom of two, running a growing business, active in the community and socially, and trying to spend quality time with my wonderful hubby. But despite being 50, I still love to drink wine, have fun, wear hip clothes and annoy my kids with my “embarrassing” sarcastic humor. However, the drinking wine part might need to slow down because I sure can’t do it like I used to, as proven on my recent trip to New Orleans. I mean, how does one drink all day and night? Probably best I don’t find out….after all I am 50, right?! The one thing that isn’t changing, however, is the name of this blog. It will remain “Over 40 and Fabulous.” After all, this hip 50 year old can still teach a few things to my youngster friends, right? Cheers and enjoy the wisdom!