While certainly not a licensed aesthetician, ever since my last dissasterous visit to the tanning booth at 29, I’d like to consider myself somewhat of a skincare connoisseur. I started in my early 30’s getting chemical peels simply to reduce fine lines and create a more even skin tone. However, I’ve after talking to experts working on my fair and hopeful skin….these are a few tips tried and true:
-Vitaman C: I swear by using a vitamin C serum every morning to stimulate cell production to the skin cells. Especially in the am when you may be dragging, vitamin C instantly brightens the skin. The antioxidant production shields skin form damaging free radicals…yes, those pesky rogue molecules we can’t escape….sun damage, pollution and oxygen.
-Retin A: Initially an acne drug, retin-A’s strong resurfacing abilities came to be known as an agent in resurfacing the skin. Retain-A prompts surface skin to turn over and die rapidly, making way for new cell growth underneath. Retin A is available through many manufacturers: what works for you is the strength and amount you use it. I’ve found that everyday use for me causes just too much peeling and irritation, but every other day or bi-weekly use seems to be ideal for most people. Your aesthetician or dermatology/plastic surgery group can best advise on what’s right for you.
-Sunscreen and hats: Need I say more? Even on an overcast Winter day, it’s a fact that those UV rays are getting to you. Sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30 (more than 30 is considered ineffective) during the day is a must.
Finally, I never trust my skin care to an over priced cosmetics counter. None of their products are of medical grade and the strength that you can find with a doctot or medical skin consultant. I personally trust my needs to Pelle Medical Skin Care conveniently located on Red Bank Road!