This Cincinnista is always cognitive of her skin, good days and bad. But I want to talk about a locally represented line of beauty products that you can experience and purchase at our “Ladies Night Out” party next Wednesday, December, 9th! Local representative, Ceci David, will be here to showcase her progressive, yet proven-effective products. In a nutshell, Beauty counter is a personal care brand built on the belief the that products can be beautiful, effective, AND, physically and environmentaly safe. It’s like Whole Foods meets Chanel. In Europe, 1,400 chemicals are banned from personal care products. In the U.S. there are only 11. Beauty counter has banned over 1,500 chemicals and has stricter ingredient testing than anyone in the market place. Their products range from skin care, to sunscreen, to a kids line, to cosmetics. It’s an incredible company! Not to mention, Beautycounter has partnerships with J. Crew and Gwyneth Palthrow’s heath and beauty group. Check out their web-site and experience them on December 9th!